Shift-Left Solution for Test Design

Collaborate around visual representations to optimize your test design activity. Accelerate by 40% the design of the most relevant functional tests and their implementation for manual and automated execution.

Yest, your test design solution - Key features

Producing the best possible tests is a complex creative process. Yest offers three essential services in a single product for designing and implementing the most relevant tests:

  • Collaborative test design supported by visual representations.
  • Accelerators and refactoring functions in an IDE dedicated to testers.
  • Test implementation for manual and automated execution.

Visual, collaborative test design

With its graphical application test workflows, Yest provides the entire product team with a business representation that can be understood by all roles and background. This is also available in Jira. This shift-left approach encourages real collaboration in the design of the best test scenarios. Yest is the reinvention of Model-Based Testing (MBT) for the agile era.

Accelerators and refactoring functions in a tester's IDE

Automatic test generation, automatic impact analysis, auto-completion, controlled propagation of changes... Yest offers a wide range of accelerators and refactoring functions to produce an optimized number of tests with the desired coverage 40% faster.

Test implementation for manual or automated execution

Manual execution can require tedious test documentation work, which the ISTQB refers to as "implementation". Writing test cases, in particular, generates its share of redundant tasks. Yest's accelerators and refactoring functions eliminate these time-consuming and error-prone repetitions. In doing so, they facilitate test design and maintenance. For automated test implementation, Yest offers keyword-based techniques. These enable functional testers to make a significant contribution to test automation.

Numerous benefits for all business sectors

Optimizing the test design and implementation phases with Yest is a wise choice. Whether you’re a tester in the IT department of a major bank or insurance company, a telecoms, transport, payment or energy operator, a retail chain or a public authority, whether you’re in charge of validation and verification services for industrial systems, or whether you’re operating customer whether you’re running testing projects in the testing factory of an IT service provider, we’ve got the right solution for you.

Ensure the acceleration of your QA activities required by agile transformation

As we enter the digital age, development practices are undergoing agile transformation, and production release rates are accelerating. Yest implements agile testing best practices (ATDD and BDD), enabling QA teams in corporate IT departments to adopt the accelerated pace of agile cycles, improve their adaptability to change and increase the automation of their tasks.

V&V engineers for industrial systems, gain greater control over your testing process and efforts

Yest enables Validation engineers to better align tests with system requirements, and to share information with Developers on expected system behavior. 

With its automatic generation and refactoring functions, Yest gives you control over test coverage and requirements traceability throughout the development cycle. Yest minimizes the number of tests required to achieve the desired coverage, and facilitates test automation to optimize test benches usage.

- Delivery Managers of IT companies test factory: Improve profitability of your projects

In the context of an outsourced test project, Yest improves the test factory communication with their customers thanks to its visual representations positioned at a business level and shared in Jira, thus avoiding misunderstandings and costly rework. The productivity gains achieved with the “tester’s IDE” functions complete Yest’s positive impact on your project profitability.

The benefits of test design for all roles involved in software quality

Test design is the first step in transforming business needs into tests. Yest converts the business logic into a graphical format, simplifying its interpretation and making it more accessible.This approach involves all members of the product team (business managers, developers, product owners, project managers, and more.) in the design of the most relevant tests.

Project managers: gain control and peace of mind

As a project manager, you know that testing is on the critical path to delivery. With Yest, testing adopts a shift-left approach and can start very early, in parallel with development. What’s more, the 40% productivity gains generated by Yest and its adaptability to change give you additional room for maneuver: to automate your regression tests, to test your application with other types of test (security, performance… ), and so on.

No more loss of control or tunnel effect: Yest’s graphical representations allow you to validate the proposed test strategy in a comfortable and efficient visual format. The Yest for Jira application synchronizes the Yest project. It gives you a real-time view of test design progress.

You can also capitalize on the functional knowledge contained in Yest’s visual representations. These represent a relevant component of living product documentation. They also make it easier for new team members to learn the ropes.

Test professionals: showcase your profession

Testers perform a wide range of tasks, some of them highly complex. Yet the profession is not always recognized for its true worth. For test professionals, Yest is first and foremost a tool that enhances the value of your profession. In what way?  By displaying your value contribution to your organization’s business in graphic form for all to see. Yest also improves your day-to-day work by reducing the number of tedious tasks in your job, so that you can concentrate on what’s essential: creating relevant tests (those which reduce the risk of anomalies in production) and quality tests (which apply the right testing techniques). 

It’s also a tool that optimizes the difficult activity of test automation, enabling functional testers and test automation engineer to maximize their respective contributions.

Business managers: testing to meet business challenges

As a business manager, Business Analyst or PO, you hold the business vision. You are the source of the functional knowledge on which the product is based. For you, testing is one of the ways of validating that your requirements and knowledge have been understood and implemented without bias. But reviewing tests in the form of actions and expected results, one test step after another, is a real headache!

With Yest, you can create or validate the application workflow to be tested yourself, if you wish. They describe the business component of the tests, the one you’re most interested in and the one that’s most crucial to share. Then you are free to concentrate your efforts where you believe it holds the highest importance

The benefits of test design for all roles involved in software quality

The tool enables strong collaboration in a mostly agile team, and also its integration with a test campaign tool and automation tools


Yest allows me to generate robust test scenarios covering both passing and nonpassing cases without any additional effort. The use of datasets saves (re)generation time. Last but not least, the automatic generation of scripts via publishers enhances productivity and quality.


I discovered Yest in 2017, and quickly embraced the tool and its philosophy. A few experiments showed me its value, a value confirmed by all the teams/people I've spoken to who use this tool. I use it during the courses I give, as it also allows me to concentrate on the design, by greatly reducing the least interesting work: that of writing tests...


YEST enables us to model the user paths of our applications in a highly visual way. This facilitates exchanges with the various stakeholders and enables us to quickly identify any gaps. The tool also enables us to generate test scenarios covering all branches of the model. As the model is also linked to requirements, test coverage is optimal.


From a training point of view: great, a tool that demonstrates all the benefits of modeling in projects, and easy enough to grasp in its basic functionalities to enable rapid learning. On a project level: by playing around with the plugin and then the paid version, you can easily set up a POC with moderate investment to demonstrate the benefits of the solution - it's a must. I've always managed to convince operational staff of the benefits of such a tool.


We used the tool to set up a new workflow between the various parties involved in the project: system engineering, development, validation, etc.


It's a tool that needs to be seen to complement the DEVops upstream tools. And it's not limited to the US! A tool that goes hand in hand with IT automation acceleration tools!


And we're proud of our customers

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